I had the nicest experience today in Philadelphia.   I just flew overnight to be able to serve players in the morning and as I arrived at my hotel there was a tremendous amount of activity and security near the entrance of the hotel.


It turns out there were a few sports teams in the building all at once and sometimes fans can get a bit pushy and dis-respectful. As I was loading my bags onto the cart, I had an amazing 3 minute experience.

Somehow, a man got through some of the security lines and he sauntered up to the bellman. The man appeared slightly odd, anxious and jittery. He looked as though he was partially shaven and his dress collar was sticking up like one half of a paper airplane that was yet to be folded.

He briskly walked up to the bellman that was helping me and asked him repeatedly who he should talk to to apply for a job, or where could he go for an employment application. Now clearly this man was a bit disheveled and nervous and many may have simply brushed him off or not taken the time.

But Eric the bellman smiled at the man. He gently took him aside and even gave him the cel phone number of the woman who was in charge of interviews and hiring.

I was stunned. I was filled with a myriad of thoughts, judgments and mental noise. Eric simply carried on as though it was business as usual.

In the elevator I said to Eric, ” I saw what you just did.”

He played it off like he had no idea what I was speaking about. I went on to explain that he was wonderful and patient and he went out of his way for a man who on the surface may not have seemed fit for a job.

Eric looked me straight in the eye and said , ” You just may never know if this was his last straw.”

Needless to say, I was quieted and humbled. Wow, maybe the man may not even get the job, but perhaps the fact that Eric took the time made all the difference. Perhaps he starts as part of the late night cleanup crew and works for 8 years and receives training and becomes the best concierge someday.

You just never know. And that is what Eric meant. In times of distress, sometimes all we need is 15 seconds of faith and love and then magic begins to unfold.   Sometimes, all we need is a chance.

I salute Eric and I have provided you with a picture of his warm and radiant smile and next time I see him I hope to give him a copy of this note and a thank you letter for uplifting and mentoring me. You just never know where your next teacher will appear.

May every interaction you have today uplift, nurture, and inspire someone else and perhaps yourself too.

Dr. J

Well done Eric. Well Done.



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Offer Expires Never- This concept never gets old. Truth prevails.  Vitality is manifest. If you are reading this far we hope today is a good day for you.